"Menginspirasi Dunia dari Bali" (inspiration world from island of gods)

Blind Bear Lounge in Bali

Blind Bear Lounge in Bali


[29/5 22.45] #storytelling: [29/5 21.21] #storytelling: Blind Bear Lounge in Bali
“night atmosphere absolutly music”

[29/5 21.35] #storytelling: Listening to music while enjoying the night atmosphere in the city has become a lifestyle for business people to meet friends. Bali, with its sparkling and calm nighttime beauty, is the main destination for foreign tourists, with the friendliness of the Balinese people full of peaceful smiles, it is able to attract the world’s attention.

Comfort and peace in the right place like Blind Bear Lounge which is located on Jl Dewi Sri close to the exotic Kuta beach
[29/5 22.40] #storytelling: Blind Bear Lounge can be a collaboration between locals and expats as well as tourists in Bali. Various events returning to local culture are the inspiration for current destinations

. We will hold events involving various communities with different themes every month. Apart from that, Blind Bear Lounge “will be a HUB bringing together many of the latest community relations, at affordable prices of course because there are still brand promotions. Please collaborate with Blind Bear Lounge to get creativity and a different atmosphere,” said Tiara & Lock Lan as owners of Blind Bear Lounge.

Tourist visits to Bali are increasing even though it is currently in low session, this proves that the rise of Bali tourism is better

[29/5 22.51] #storytelling: The development of technology has become an inspiration for millennials to become a modern lifestyle, whether in the form of music and so on. Blind Bear Lounge as an icon in Bali is also an inspiration for a place to enjoy harmonious togetherness.
