"Menginspirasi Dunia dari Bali" (inspiration world from island of gods)

New Era of Tabanan Tourism with BPPD Tabanan and DAO BASE Japan

Bali-Tabanan,26.4.2024-Bali, as the island of the gods with amazing exoticism, is currently the best universal destination in the world, one of the tourist areas is Tabanan.
Since the formation of the Tabanan Regency Regional Tourism Promotion Agency in 2021, many things have been done towards the revival of tourism and the economy in Tabanan.

There have been many programs and events that have been carried out as well as promotions both at home and abroad. One of them is that in the first semester of this year, in April 2024, a joint agreement was signed between BPPD Tabanan Regency and DAO BASE, a digital marketing company from Japan. It started with the love of Japanese tourists, many of whom began to hear about Tabanan, an area which provides rice barns, mountains, rivers, waterfalls, hills, plantations, agriculture, animal husbandry, fisheries and beaches.

Many Japanese tourists have heard about Tabanan, and from the survey they have conducted, DAO BASE is interested in participating in the tourism promotion of the Tabanan Regency area, both from tourism, MSMEs and the panorama of tourist attractions in it.

After holding several meetings and discussions, finally on April 18 2024, together with BPPD Tabanan Regency and DAO BASE Japan, they reached an agreement and cooperation which was expressed through an MOU that was signed by both parties.
As stated by the chairman of the Tabanan Regency BPPD, Mr. I Gusti Ngurah Gede Nugraha, he explained that since the first year, we have created in humans a hope that will become a new goal towards change.

Likewise with Professor I Nyoman Sunarta, he explained ,”the potential collaboration in Tabanan Regency with DAO BASE Japan to promote Tabanan in Japan from tourism to creative economy products and agriculture.”
From DAO BASE Japan itself, Masaru Fuchinoue as President & CEO and Masasi Kashiwamura as Board Director were present. And from the Tabanan Regency Regional Tourism Promotion Agency, I Gusti Ngurah Gede Nugraha as chairman, I Nyoman Suarsa as deputy chairman and 5 management boards on policy-making elements, namely Prof. Dr. I Nyoman Sunarta, Romanica Anggela Intanisari, Sos.M.M, Ira T Setiawan, Aam Tribina Karyaningtyas, A A Ngurah Agung Surya Kencana hopefully what has been started will be the first step in the first semester of 2024 towards the revival of tourism in Tabanan Regency, towards A new era of tourism that is safe, superior and civilized is like the vision and mission of the Regent’s leadership.

Anggela Bali from Bali Inspirasi reports