"Menginspirasi Dunia dari Bali" (inspiration world from island of gods)

Way of Life Women Sail Maker in Bali

Juli Artiningsih Penjahit Layar Kapal Pesiar Indo Mesti Didukung Suami Malah Dapat Talak Cerai

Bali-Serangan island,14.3.2024-

Juli Artiningsih as a tough woman has started working on making sails for ships since 18 years ago until now, “Maybe the only one in Indonesia, because not many people know that in Indonesia there are ship sails tailors.” said Juli Artiningsih when met by the crew international journalist in Bali.

Beginning with the opening of a workshop on Serangan Island in Bali, many sailing ship owners, both local and international, ordered sails for ships, from various countries such as the Netherlands, America, Europe and Asia.
With special skills, Juli Artiningsih was able to learn how to sew sails for sailing ships, both large and medium, and small. The year 2023 is the beginning of the rise of Indonesian marine tourism, after the past pandemic period has passed. The Indonesian Maritime Spirit is always there and sustainable going forward, this has also become an extraordinary cultural and cultural asset.

The divorce trial for the couple (husband and wife, ed.) Justin William Hughes bin Rex Clark Hughes (61 years) and Juli Atiningsih binti Sumono (52 years) failed to take place today, Thursday (17/3/2024) because the Petitioner is an Australian citizen/citizen. He was not present and was only represented by his attorney at the Denpasar Religious Court office, Jalan Cokroaminoto Gang Kataka 1 Denpasar. This trial has been postponed to April 2, 2024.To the media crew, the respondent in this divorce case, Juli Atiningsih binti Sumono, explained, “Actually, I have a husband who has lost track of me for some time, but suddenly there was an invitation to a trial in court, this is the first time I have done it (first trial, ed.) It turned out that he (Justin, ed) did not come and was postponed until April 2 2024 due to a report from the mediation party. That’s all I can say today. “Hopefully everything goes smoothly,” said Juli.

by bali-inspirasi.com